Rotary International District 3810
RY 2022 – 2023  |  Imagine Rotary

viber image 2022 03 12 10 49 35 405
    1. Achieve a 10% increase in membership based on July 2022 club invoice. 
    2. Club must be at charter strength of at least 20 members on or before April 15, 2023.
    3. Club must have a membership retention rate of 85%, based on the July 2022 club invoice.
    4. Accomplish the Rotary International Citation on or before April 15, 2023.
    5. Achieve a 5% increase of your latest TRF contribution or a higher minimum of $1,000 which ever is higher.
    6. Organize at least one (1) new club preferably a cause-based-club model.
    7. The club must achieve a TRF Annual Fund contribution of at least $100.00 per capita.
    8. Recruit and mentor at least (2) Rotaractors to your club and conduct at least one (1) service project focused on Empowering Young Girls.
    9. Install a Four-Way Test marker.
    10. Conduct a Mental Health Awareness and Recovery campaign that promotes and maintains wellbeing, particularly that which considers the need of women, empowerment of young girls and boys, victims of abuse, and COVID-19 survivors, especially in the underserved population.
    11. Develop and implement an Impact Tour campaign using digital and traditional media that promotes the Rotary Club’s brand, flagship, or signature project.
    12. Conduct an activity promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion by involving prospective members form the community, place of business/work, and family of Rotary.
    13. Accomplish an Environment program that touches on implementation of “green” and the three R’s of sustainability: reduce, reuse and recycle: promoting reforestation, good agricultural practices, zero hunger, zero waste, and zero insufficiency..
    14. 100% subscription to the Philippine Rotary Magazine.
    15. Register at least two delegates to the 2023 Rotary International Melbourne Convention.
    16. Register at least ten (10) delegates to DISCON 2023.