Dear fellow Manila Rotarians,
As we continue our journey of service and fellowship, I would like to provide you with an update on the activities and meetings that took place during the past week.
RCM Library Digitization Project review
Tuesday, 16 May 2023
We conducted a thorough review of the RCM Library Digitization Project. This important initiative, chaired by Rtn. Inov Talusan and supported by Committee member STAR Rtn. Aries Balanay aims to preserve and digitize our club’s valuable library resources. During the review, we were joined by On Strike Team President Jerwyn Fernandez and his partner, who provided valuable insights into the project’s progress. The RCM Library Digitization Project is a testament to our commitment to embracing technology and ensuring accessibility to knowledge within our club.

8th Monthly Regular Board Meeting
Thursday, 18 May 2023
I had the privilege of hosting the 8th monthly regular board meeting at Press Room 6, New World Makati Hotel. This gathering was attended by VP Reggie Yu, Directors Albert Alday, Johnny Chotrani, Hans Palacios, and Jujut Enriquez, Sec. Edwin Hernandez, Treas. Karlo Castro, SAA Nagi Zeitouni, Board Legal Adviser Raoul Creencia, and Asst. Treas. PJ Garcia. Together, we discussed important matters to steer our club toward further growth and impact.

Meeting of the Journalism Awards Committee
Friday, 19 May 2023
I joined the meeting of the Journalism Awards Committee. This meeting was attended by Chairman PD Amading Valdez, BLA Raoul Creencia, and Past Pres. Frank Evaristo. The Journalism Awards Committee plays a crucial role in recognizing outstanding contributions in the field of journalism and promoting ethical practices. Our club’s involvement in such initiatives reflects our dedication to fostering excellence in the media industry.
TOWER Awards Committee Meetings
Tuesday and Wednesday, 23 and 24 May 2023
I joined the two meetings of the TOWER Awards Committee held on May 23 and 24 via Zoom to discuss and finalize the remaining details for the awarding program. The meeting was chaired by TOWER Awards 2023 Chairman/Centennial President Susing Pineda. Also in attendance were PP Teddy Ocampo, Program Chairman PD Amading Valdez, and Grant Chair Aries Balanay who is managing the technical requirements of the awarding program.

RI District 3810 Meeting for District Relief Operations and Disaster Response
Tuesday, 23 May 2023
I participated in the District Relief Operations and Disaster Response meeting which took place on May 23. This significant gathering, held virtually via Zoom, was attended by DG Joyce Ambray, DES Mark Eugene Tan, SDG Winston Tiu, and SDG Joseph Uyching.
The highlight of the meeting was the generous donation of 350 wheelchairs from D7670, USA thru PDG PDG Bill Biddle. The arrangements for this donation were initiated as early as October 2021 when I was still President-elect. The wheelchairs will be labeled with RID 3810 and will be made available for distribution in June, extending even beyond my term and DG Joyce Ambray’s term. These wheelchairs will be provided to various Rotary clubs within District 3810, ensuring that they reach individuals who require mobility assistance.

In addition to these significant meetings, I have also been engaging in follow-up discussions with the Grant Global team and our partner, the Rotary Club of Sangju Central, regarding our Global Grant-Pasig River Clean-up and Rehabilitation Project to purchase an aquatic trash skimmer vessel. These discussions are instrumental in ensuring the smooth implementation and success of our project.
I am also pleased to provide an update on the progress of the Cleft Lip/Palate Medical Mission at Sta. Ana Hospital. Our Global Grant application for this transformative project is in the final stages of approval through the Rotary portal. Once approved, we can proceed with the implementation of life-changing surgeries for those in need.
This mission is made possible through our valuable partnerships with Operation Smile Philippines, the Manila City Government, and various foreign Rotary Clubs. Together, we are dedicated to bringing positive change to the lives of approximately 60 indigent children.
I thank everyone for their hard work and commitment to our mission as a Rotary club. May we continue to serve others with purpose and compassion and inspire others through our actions.
Yours in Rotary service,
Pres. Hermie Esguerra